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Rev. Headache Med. (Online) ; 14(4): 230-234, 30/12/2023. Ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531660


BACKGROUND: Dystonia is uncommon in Tourette's syndrome, and occipital neuralgia secondary to Tourette's dystonia is more rare, affecting quality of life. Occipital peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) is an excellent alternative by being adjustable and minimally invasive. Our case demonstrates occipital PNS as an effective option for refractory Tourette's dystonia. CASE PRESENTATION: A thirty-four-year-old male with poorly controlled Tourette's cervical dystonia presented with severe occipital neuralgia. Various medications were prescribed including propranolol and amitriptyline, and bilateral third-occipital nerve rhizotomies and occipital nerve blocks were trialed. Distal nerve blocks at the occipital protuberance were most effective. Therefore, an occipital PNS trial was done, and a PNS was implanted with no complications. Upon follow-up, the patient reported drastic pain reduction. CONCLUSION: Our case illustrates neuromodulation benefits for a rare presentation of refractory occipital neuralgia secondary to Tourette's-related dystonia. Occipital PNS should be considered for refractory cases because it is safe, easy to implant, and effective.

FUNDAMENTO: A distonia é incomum na síndrome de Tourette, e a neuralgia occipital secundária à distonia de Tourette é mais rara, afetando a qualidade de vida. A estimulação do nervo periférico occipital (SNP) é uma excelente alternativa por ser ajustável e minimamente invasiva. Nosso caso demonstra o SNP occipital como uma opção eficaz para a distonia de Tourette refratária. APRESENTAÇÃO DO CASO: Um homem de 34 anos com distonia cervical de Tourette mal controlada apresentou neuralgia occipital grave. Vários medicamentos foram prescritos, incluindo propranolol e amitriptilina, e foram testadas rizotomias bilaterais do nervo terceiro-occipital e bloqueios do nervo occipital. Os bloqueios dos nervos distais na protuberância occipital foram mais eficazes. Portanto, foi feito um ensaio de PNS occipital e um PNS foi implantado sem complicações. Após o acompanhamento, o paciente relatou redução drástica da dor. CONCLUSÃO: Nosso caso ilustra os benefícios da neuromodulação para uma apresentação rara de neuralgia occipital refratária secundária à distonia relacionada a Tourette. O PNS occipital deve ser considerado para casos refratários porque é seguro, fácil de implantar e eficaz.

Humans , Male , Female , Patients/classification , Tourette Syndrome/complications , Peripheral Nerves/abnormalities
Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 58(2): 17-24, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395441


INTRODUCTION: Tourette's Syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by motor and / or vocal tics for more than 12 months. TS affects about 0.8% of pediatric patients and is associated with great functional impairment and psychological distress. The present study aims to list and compare the effectiveness of therapies used in children and young people with TS. METHODS: PubMed / MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, SciELO and Lilacs were used from September 2020 to April 2021 to search for randomized clinical trials with pharmacological, behavioral, physical or alternative interventions for tics in children and young people with ST. RESULTS: 13 clinical trials were included, of which six pharmacological, six behavioral and one of other conformation. The global score on the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale showed evidence in favor of Habit Reversal Training (HRT) and Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT). Evidence from two studies suggests that antipsychotic medications improve tic scores. Evidence from other interventions has shown no conclusive benefit. CONCLUSIONS: The present study identified benefits with the use of antipsychotics. The study also found that HRT and CBIT showed improvement in reducing the severity of tics, in addition to not having any adverse effects. These therapies showed significant clinical improvement, but there is no comparison between the use of these isolated approaches in relation to their use associated with medications. In view of the different forms of therapy, further studies are needed to identify the effectiveness and the profile of adverse effects of these interventions.

INTRODUÇÃO: A Síndrome de Tourette (ST) é um distúrbio do neurodesenvolvimento caracterizado por tiques motores e/ou vocais por mais de 12 meses. A ST afeta cerca de 0,8% dos pacientes pediátricos e associa-se a grande comprometimento funcional e sofrimento psíquico. O presente estudo tem como objetivo listar e comparar a eficácia das terapias utilizadas em crianças e jovens com ST. MÉTODOS: PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, SciELO e Lilacs foram usados desde setembro de 2020 até abril de 2021 para a busca de ensaios clínicos randomizados com intervenções farmacológicas, comportamentais, físicas ou alternativas para tiques em crianças e jovens com ST. RESULTADOS: 13 ensaios clínicos foram incluídos, dos quais seis farmacológicos, seis comportamentais e um de outra conformação. A pontuação global na Yale Global Tic Severity Scale, apresentou evidências a favor do Treinamento de Reversão de Hábito (TRH) e Intervenção Comportamental Abrangente para Tiques (ICAT). As evidências de dois estudos sugerem que medicamentos antipsicóticos melhoram os escores de tiques. Evidências de outras intervenções não mostraram nenhum benefício conclusivo. CONCLUSÕES: O presente estudo identificou benefícios com o uso do antipsicóticos. O estudo também identificou que a TRH e a ICAT apresentaram melhora na redução da gravidade dos tiques, além de não apresentarem efeitos adversos. Essas terapias mostraram importante melhora clínica, mas não há comparação entre o uso dessas abordagens isoladas em relação ao seu uso associado com medicamentos. Diante das diferentes formas de terapia, mais estudos são necessários para identificar a eficácia e o perfil de efeitos adversos dessas intervenções.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Tic Disorders/therapy , Behavior Therapy , Tourette Syndrome/diagnosis , Tourette Syndrome/drug therapy , Placebos , Antipsychotic Agents/pharmacology , Treatment Outcome , Aripiprazole/pharmacology
Salud UNINORTE ; 37(1): 220-229, ene.-abr. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365977


RESUMEN El síndrome de Tourette (ST) es un trastorno neurológico-conductual crónico que comienza en la infancia y la adolescencia. Su característica principal es la emisión de múltiples tics motores y fónicos de distinto tipo y complejidad. Se asocian a vocalizaciones involuntarias (ecolalia, coprolalia). A menudo empeoran cuando la persona está excitada o padece de ansiedad y se atenúan durante la realización de actividades calmadas o que requieren de concentración. Su tratamiento consiste en el uso de medicamentos que pueden causar efectos adversos o la intervención global de comportamiento para tics (Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics, CBIT), que es un tratamiento conductual no farmacológico diseñado para enseñar a los pacientes y sus familias un conjunto específico de habilidades para reducir la frecuencia, la intensidad y el impacto general de los tics motores y vocales. Se reporta caso clínico de paciente de 13 años de edad que asistió a la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cartagena por presentar úlcera dolorosa en cavidad bucal. Como terapéutica se decidió utilizar la placa de protección mucosa (PPM) en el maxilar, y se observó una disminución del tamaño de la úlcera y en el control a los 45 días se observó la cicatrización completa de la lesión. Se complementó el tratamiento bucal con la remisión a tratamiento psicológico de soporte.

ABSTRACT Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a chronic neurological-behavioral disorder that begins in childhood and adolescence. Its main characteristic is the emission of multiple motor and phonic tics of different types and complexity. They are associated with involuntary vocalizations (echolalia, coprolalia). They often worsen when the person is excited or has anxiety and becomes less alert during calm or concentration-intensive activities. Its treatment consists in the use of drugs that can cause adverse effects or the global behavioral intervention for tics (Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics, CBIT) which is a non-pharmacological behavioral treatment designed to teach patients and their families a specific set of skills to reduce the frequency, intensity and overall impact of motor and vocal tics. We report a case of a 13-year-old patient who attended the University of Cartagena School of Dentistry due to a painful ulcer in the oral cavity. As a therapy, it was decided to use the mucosal protective plate (PPM) in the maxilla, observing a decrease in the size of the ulcer, and in the control at 45 days the complete healing of the lesion was observed. The oral treatment was complemented with the referral to psychological support treatment.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382263


El síndrome de Tourette (ST) se caracteriza por tics motores y fónicos, destacando las dificultades de su manejo farmacológico. El objetivo de este artículo es describir los resultados de una revisión bibliográfica de las alternativas de tratamiento farmacológico existentes en la actualidad para el ST pediátrico. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en base de datos PubMed utilizando los términos meSH "Tourette syndrome", "Tics", "Therapeutics" y "Children" entre los años 1950 y 2020, tras priorización y exclusión se obtuvo un total de 64 artículos. Resultados: Los artículos muestran 21 alternativas terapéuticas, que se detallan en dos niveles según eficacia y efectos adversos. Conclusiones: Existen múltiples alternativas farmacológicas, algunas con efectos adversos que pueden llegar a determinar la imposibilidad de continuar el tratamiento. Esta sigue siendo un área abierta de investigación en la búsqueda de alternativas que disminuyan estos efectos.

Abstract. Introduction: Tourette syndrome (TS) is characterized by motor and phonic tics, and the difficulties of its pharmacological management. The objective of this article is to describe the results of a bibliographic review of the pharmacological treatment alternatives that currently exist for pediatric TS. Methods: A bibliographic search was carried out in the PubMed database using the meSH terms "Tourette syndrome", "Tics", "Therapeutics" and "Children" between 1950 and 2020, after prioritization and exclusion, a total of 64 articles were selected. Results: The articles show 21 therapeutic alternatives, which are categorized into two levels according to efficacy and adverse effects. Conclusions: There are multiple pharmacological alternatives, some with adverse effects that may make it impossible to continue treatment. This continues to be an open area of investigation in the search for alternatives that minimize these side effects.

Humans , Child , Tourette Syndrome/drug therapy
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 13(2): 58-62, dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100358


El trastorno de Tourette (TT) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que aparece en la primera infancia caracterizado por la presencia de tics fónicos y motores que dificultan la socialización y el proceso de aprendizaje escolar. El TT posee una variada comorbilidad que incluye el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH), el trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC), y dificultades de aprendizaje y del comportamiento. Presentamos el caso de un adolescente de 13 años diagnosticado con TT y con TDAH a los 6 y 10 años respectivamente. El paciente ha tenido una escolarización dificultosa y se encuentra con tratamiento médico de clozapina, aripiprazol, haloperidol y litio. Se aplica una batería neuropsicológica para evaluar la atención e inhibición, organización visuoespacial, memoria de trabajo, flexibilidad cognitiva, memoria verbal y memoria no-verbal, con el propósito de describir su perfil cognitivo de funciones ejecutivas y memoria. El estudio reveló que la atención está deteriorada pero que la inhibición se encuentra preservada; esto confirma el diagnóstico de TDAH y establece el subtipo de inatento para el caso en estudio. Las demás funciones ejecutivas evaluadas se encuentran severamente descendidas, situación que es coincidente con el perfil desarrollado por otros autores para el TT con comorbilidad TDAH. Sin embargo, no es claro si la disfuncionalidad ejecutiva se debe al TDAH que presenta, o a factores sociales y culturales derivados de las dificultades de escolarización causadas por el TT.

Tourette's disorder (TD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that appears in early childhood characterized by the presence of phonic and motor tics that hinder socialization and the school learning process. TD has a varied comorbidity that includes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), learning and behavioral difficulties. We present the case of a 13-year-old adolescent diagnosed with TD and with ADHD at 6 and 10 years old respectively. The patient has had a difficult schooling and is under medical treatment of clozapine, aripiprazole, haloperidol and lithium. A neuropsychological battery is applied to evaluate the attention and inhibition, visuospatial organization, working memory, cognitive flexibility, verbal memory and non-verbal memory, with the purpose of describing its cognitive profile of executive functions and memory. The study revealed that the attention is impaired but that the inhibition is preserved; This confirms the diagnosis of ADHD and establishes the inattentive subtype for the case under study. The other executive functions evaluated are severely descended, a situation that coincides with the profile developed by other authors for TD with comorbid ADHD. However, it is not clear if the executive dysfunctionality is due to the ADHD it presents, or to social and cultural factors derived from the difficulties of schooling caused by the TD.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/physiopathology , Tourette Syndrome/physiopathology , Attention , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/complications , Tourette Syndrome/complications , Executive Function/physiology , Inhibition, Psychological , Learning Disabilities/physiopathology , Memory, Short-Term/physiology
Rev. ecuat. neurol ; 27(2): 87-91, may.-ago. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004028


Resumen El síndrome de Tourette es un trastorno neuropsiquiátrico de inicio en la infancia caracterizado por múltiples tics motores y vocales de al menos un año de duración. Se desconoce su etiología exacta, pero se han involucrado las vías neuronales fronto-subcorticales e interacciones complejas entre factores sociales, ambientales y genéticos. Estudios genéticos han reportado loci de susceptibilidad en genes implicados en conexión sináptica, sin embargo, hace falta evidencia en muestras de mayor tamaño. Este reporte de caso describe un joven de 14 años con historia personal y familiar de síndrome de Tourette, sugiriendo un mecanismo de herencia autosómico dominante.

Abstract Tourette syndrome is a childhood neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by multiple motor and vocal tics of at least one year. Its exact etiology is unknown, but fronto-subcortical neural pathways and complex interactions between social, environmental and genetic factors have been involved. Genetic studies have reported susceptibility loci in genes involved in synaptic connection, however, evidence is needed in larger samples. This case report describes a 14-year-old boy with a personal and family history of Tourette's syndrome, suggesting an autosomal dominant mechanism of inheritance.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 34(2): 146-155, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038150


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette es un trastorno neuropsiquiátrico caracterizado por tics y comorbilidades que comienza en la infancia. La estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP), aceptada como tratamiento para otros trastornos, se reserva para casos severos y pacientes con farmacorresistencia, aunque sigue permaneciendo en terreno experimental para esta patología. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la bibliografía científica actual acerca de la ECP del globo pálido interno en la reducción de tics y comorbilidades asociadas a este Síndrome. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de varios artículos científicos consultando (entre febrero y marzo de 2017) las bases de datos MedLine, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science y Cochrane. Se ha limitado la búsqueda a todos aquellos artículos publicados entre 2012 y 2017, escritos en inglés y realizados en humanos; se excluyeron revisiones, cartas al editor o aquellos que no se centrasen en el tema de estudio. RESULTADOS: En general, los resultados obtenidos muestran mejoras significativas en casi la totalidad de pacientes, pero, la carencia de estudios controlados aleatorizados con muestras mayores, la falta de resultados fiables, la ausencia de uniformidad en los protocolos y el desconocimiento de la fisiopatología y del área ideal a estimular, hacen que la aplicación de esta técnica no goce de evidencia científica suficiente para ser aceptada como parte del tratamiento de este síndrome hipercinético.

SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a neuropsyquiatric disorder characterized by tics and comorbidities which starts during the infancy. Deep brain Stimulation, accepted as treatment for other diseases, it is reserved for severe cases and pharmacoresistant patients, even though it still remains on the experimental field for this pathology. The main aim of this review is to analyse the current scientific bibliography about Deep brain Stimulation of the Globus Pallidus Internus on the reduction of tics and associated comorbidities from Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A systematic review of several scientific articles was done checking (February-March, 2017) MedLine, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane databases. We have restricted the search to all those articles published from 2012 to 2017, written in English and done with humans, excluding those which were reviews, letters to the editor or not focussed on the subject of the study. RESULTS: In general, the outcomes shows significant improvements in almost the totality of patients but the lack of randomised controlled trials with higher samples, the shortage of reliable results and the lack of awareness of the physiopathology and the ideal target to stimulate, don't allow this technique to enjoy scientific evidence enough to be accepted as part of the treatment for this hyperkinetic disorder.

Transit-Oriented Development
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 46(2): 110-115, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-960123


Abstract The personal and private lives of great men and women in history, like writers, painters and musicians, have been the subject of great interest for many years. A clear example of this is the vast scrutiny is cast over the famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. What may have started as curiosity, rapidly evolved into extensive research, as the answers about the musician's legendary talent may lie in the details of his life (his childhood, his relationships, his quirks and his mannerisms). It is usually up to historians, anthropologists or philosophers to delve into the pages of old books, trying to grasp answers and clues. However, for some time, physicians have sought their own part in solving the puzzle. The long told hypothesis regarding Mozart's diagnosis of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome will be examined. Could all of the peculiarities and oddities of the genius be caused by a neurological disorder? Or was this musical genius just an eccentric brilliant man?

Resumen Por años, la vida privada de los grandes hombres y mujeres de la historia, escritores, pintores y músicos, ha sido objeto de gran interés. Un claro ejemplo de esto es el gran escrutinio que se ha hecho sobre el aclamado compositor Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Lo que posiblemente comenzó como simple curiosidad rápidamente se convirtió en una investigación exhaustiva, pues en los detalles de su vida (su infancia, relaciones, mañas y manierimos) podría estar la evidencia de su legendario talento. Usualmente, son los historiadores, antropólogos y filósofos los que se sumergen en las páginas de viejos y ajados libros tratando de encontrar respuestas y pistas; sin embargo, desde algún tiempo, los médicos han reclamado su propio papel en la resolución de estos interrogantes. Este artículo explora la hipótesis sobre el posible diagnóstico de síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette para Mozart. ¿Todas las peculiaridades y rarezas del genio podrían estar causadas por un trastorno neurológico o se trataba solamente de un hombre brillante y excéntrico?

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Tourette Syndrome , Exploratory Behavior , Physicians , Privacy , History, Ancient , Diagnosis , Nervous System Diseases
Ciênc. cogn ; 21(2): 242-254, dez. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1020997


O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão integrativa sobre a Síndrome de Tourette (ST) que é pouco conhecida por muitos profissionais da saúde. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa acerca das evidências clínicas e científicas sobre a ST, a fim de esclarecer e nortear a prática clínica direcionada aos portadores dessa doença em diferentes áreas da Saúde. Foi realizada uma busca de artigos científicos em cinco bases de dados nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, seguindo uma análise criteriosa dos artigos selecionados. Todos os artigos selecionados foram publicados na língua inglesa evidenciando o reduzido número de trabalhos sobre a relação ST e intervenção terapêutica nas demais línguas. Os mesmos artigos englobam os aspectos mais atuais da ST, abordando desde a neurofisiologia da síndrome até intervenções como a terapia comportamental e a estimulação cerebral. Foi possível concluir que a ciência caminha cada vez mais em direção a um conhecimento aprofundado sobre a ST, principalmente no que se refere às novas formas de intervenção

This study presents an integrative review of Tourette Syndrome (TS) which little is known by many health professionals. An integrative review of the clinical and scientific evidences about the TS was performed in order to clarify and guide clinical practice directed to patients with this disease in different health areas. A search ofscientific articles was conducted in five databases in Portuguese, English andSpanish languages, following a careful analysis of the selected articles. All articles were published in English showing the small number of studies on the TS and therapeutic intervention ratio in other languages. The same items include the most current aspects of TS, addressing from the neurophysiology of the syndrome tointerventions such as behavioral therapy and brain stimulation. It was possible to conclude that science moves increasingly toward a thorough knowledge of the TS especially with regard to new forms of intervention

Humans , Male , Female , Tourette Syndrome , Neurophysiology , Behavior Therapy
Dement. neuropsychol ; 10(3): 251-253, July-Sept. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-795288


ABSTRACT The atypical form of Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration (PKAN) tends to present at around the age of 14 years, has a heterogeneous presentation with extrapyramidal symptoms, and approximately one third of patients exhibit psychiatric problems. This paper reports the case of a patient with apparent typical symptoms of Tourette syndrome. However, the severity and poor response to treatment led to further investigation and the diagnosis of PKAN as a secondary cause of Tourettism was reached.

RESUMO A forma atípica de PKAN costuma se apresentar por volta dos 14 anos de idade, possui uma sintomatologia heterogênea, com sintomas extrapiramidais e, em cerca de um terço dos pacientes, também com a manifestação de sintomas psiquiátricos. O presente artigo relata o caso de uma paciente com sintomatologia típica da Síndrome de Tourette à primeira vista. Entretanto, a gravidade do quadro e pouca resposta ao tratamento levaram a uma maior investigação e ao diagnóstico de PKAN como causa secundária do Tourettismo.

Humans , Case Reports , Tourette Syndrome , Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 73(12): 1038-1040, Dec. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-767613


Tourette's syndrome (TS) is defined as a disorder characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic that have lasted for not less than one year. It is a relatively complex neurobehavioral disorder, in which patients may present with coexistent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or other behavioral comorbidities. The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) and the rock star Kurt Cobain (1967-1994) may both have suffered from TS, and some contemporary musicians have had their clinical condition confirmed as TS. Our hypothetical diagnosis of TS in Mozart and Cobain is based on the presence of tics and psychiatric comorbidities. In contemporary musicians, such as Michael Wolff, Nick Van Bloss and James Durbin, TS has often only been diagnosed after a considerable delay. This delay in diagnosis and the controversies surrounding the clinical case of Mozart show how difficult a confirmatory diagnosis of this complex disease is.

A síndrome de Tourette (TS) é definida como uma desordem caracterizada por múltiplos tiques motores e pelo menos um tique vocal com duração de ao menos um ano. TS é um distúrbio neuro-comportamental relativamente complexo, em que os pacientes teriam coexistente transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, distúrbio de comportamento ou outras co-morbidades. Talvez sejam casos de TS o do gênio musical Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) e da estrela do rock, Kurt Cobain (1967-1994). Alguns músicos contemporâneos tiveram a sua condição clínica confirmada como TS. Em conclusão, os diagnósticos hipotéticos de TS nos casos de Mozart e Cobain podem ter embasamento na possibilidade de tiques e comorbidades psiquiátricas. Observou-se um atraso de diagnóstico de TS em músicos contemporâneos (Michael Wolff, Nick Van Bloss, James Durbin). Essa situação e as controvérsias sobre a clínica no caso de Mozart mostram a dificuldade para confirmação do diagnóstico dessa complexa doença.

Humans , Male , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Tourette Syndrome/history , Famous Persons , Music/history , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Tic Disorders/diagnosis , Tourette Syndrome/diagnosis , Comorbidity , Delayed Diagnosis
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 72(12): 942-948, 02/12/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-731032


Tourette syndrome (TS) and tic disorders represent events of familiar magnitude characterized by involuntary movements and/or vocalization. To determine the prevalence of TS/tic disorders we studied a sample of 762 subjects (388 M, 374 F), between 1992 and 1997, age 6 to 43 years old, taken out of a population of 10,155 subjects (4,918 M, 5,237 F; age: 3-56 years old). A structured 4-item questionnaire, direct interview (multistaged), >1 yr follow-up, were used. 9,565 subjects (4,614 M, 4,951 F) sent back the questionnaires, 3,354 of these (1,671 M, 1,683 F) with positive answers to tics. 42 subjects (31 M, 11 F, age: 7-21 years old, mean: 11 years old) met the DSM-III-R criteria. The total minimal prevalence of TS is 0.43%, with a 3:1 ratio male/female. The minimal prevalence of chronic tic disorder is 2.27%. The total minimal prevalence for tic disorders at all is 2.91%. No special education students participation.

Síndrome de Tourette e transtornos de tiques representam eventos de magnitude familiar caracterizados por movimentos involuntários e/ou vocalização. Para determinar a prevalência de TS/transtornos de tiques, estudamos uma amostra de 762 indivíduos (286 M, 376 F), entre 1992 e 1997, de 6 a 43 anos de idade, retirados de uma população de 10.155 indivíduos (4.918 M, 5.237 F, idade: 3-56 anos). Questionário de avaliação inicial (4 itens), entrevista direta, follow-up >1 ano, foram utilizados. 9.565 indivíduos (4.614 M, 4.951 F) retornaram seus questionários, 3.354 (1.671 M, 1.683 F), com respostas positivas para tiques. 42 sujeitos (idade 31 M, 11 F, 7-21 anos, média: 11 anos) preencheram os critérios diagnósticos do DSM-III-R. A prevalência total mínima para TS é de 0,43% (3 M:1 F), e para transtornos de tiques crônicos é de 2,27%. A prevalência total mínima para transtornos dos tiques é 2,91%. Nenhuma participação de estudantes de classe especial.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Tic Disorders/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Age Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Sex Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires , Tourette Syndrome/epidemiology
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 36(3): 123-133, Jul-Sep/2014. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-724124


Objective: To compile data on Tourette's syndrome (TS), tics and associated disorders. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted using the 5S levels of organization of healthcare research evidence (systems, summaries, synopses, syntheses, studies), based on the model described by Haynes. The search keywords were Tourette, tics and comorbidity, which were cross-referenced. Studies provided by publishers and articles being processed on July 31, 2013, were also included. Results: Of all studies retrieved during the search, 64 were selected because they analyzed the epidemiology, clinical features and etiopathogenesis of TS and its comorbidities. TS is classified as a hyperkinetic movement disorder, and at least 90% of the patients have neuropsychiatric comorbidities, of which attention deficit hyperactivity and obsessive-compulsive disorders are the most common. The syndrome is clinically heterogeneous and has been associated with a dysfunction of cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuits involving various neurotransmitters. Although its genetic etiology has been widely studied, other factors may be important to understand this syndrome and its associated disorders. Conclusions: TS is a neurodevelopmental disorder that results from the impact of stress factors on a vulnerable biological substrate during the critical periods of neurodevelopment. The study of TS and its comorbidities may contribute, at different levels, to the understanding of several neuropsychiatric disorders of clinical and therapeutic relevance (AU)

Objetivo: Compilar o conhecimento existente sobre a síndrome de Tourette (ST), tiques e patologias associadas. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura usando os níveis 5S (sistemas, sumários, sinopses, sínteses e estudos) de organização de evidência de pesquisa em saúde, com base no modelo proposto por Haynes. Os termos de busca foram Tourette, tiques e comorbidades, completados por pesquisa por referência cruzada. Os artigos fornecidos pelos editores e aqueles a serem processados para publicação em 31 de julho de 2013 também foram incluídos. Resultados: De todos os artigos encontrados durante a pesquisa, 64 foram selecionados porque analisavam a epidemiologia, as características clínicas e a etiopatogenia da ST. A ST define-se como um distúrbio hipercinético do movimento, e pelo menos 90% dos pacientes apresentam comorbidades neuropsiquiátricas, das quais as mais comuns são a perturbação de déficit de atenção com hiperatividade e a perturbação obsessivo- -compulsiva. Esta síndrome é clinicamente heterogênea e tem sido relacionada com a disfunção dos circuitos córtico-estriado- -tálamo-corticais envolvendo vários neurotransmissores. Apesar de sua etiologia genética ter sido amplamente estudada, outros fatores podem ser importantes para entender esta síndrome e as perturbações relacionadas. Conclusões: A ST resulta de uma perturbação do desenvolvimento neurológico causado pelo impacto de fatores de estresse num substrato biológico vulnerável durante os períodos críticos do desenvolvimento neurológico. O estudo da ST e das suas comorbidades poderá contribuir, em diferentes níveis, para o entendimento de várias perturbações neuropsiquiátricas com relevância clínica e terapêutica (AU)

Humans , Tourette Syndrome/physiopathology , Comorbidity , Tics , Personality Disorders/epidemiology , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/epidemiology , Sleep Wake Disorders/epidemiology , Tourette Syndrome/epidemiology , Prevalence , Evidence-Based Medicine/methods , Mood Disorders/epidemiology , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/epidemiology
Rev. ter. ocup ; 25(2): 177-184, maio-ago. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-745374


A Síndrome de Gilles de La Tourette (ST) pode gerar acentuado sofrimento em diversas áreas da vida do indivíduo. A literatura refere que a criança com ST pode apresentar dificuldades no relacionamento com educadores e colegas. O objetivo deste estudo de caso exploratório visou conhecer e descrever as percepções de pais e educadores sobre aspectos da dinâmica de interação escolar de uma criança com ST, matriculada no ensino fundamental regular. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os pais de uma criança de 8 anos de idade diagnosticada com ST e comtrês educadores. Foram também realizadas sessões de observaçãoparticipante do cotidiano escolar. O conjunto dos relatos revela dúvidas por parte dos entrevistados, no sentido de identificar comportamentos involuntários da criança ou de identificar ações intencionais. Observou-se que ainda não existe articulação entre pais e educadores no atendimento às necessidades da criança. Supõe-se que estratégias de intervenção em perspectiva multiprofissional poderiam contribuir para que pais, educadores e profissionais de saúde atuem de forma articulada, no sentido de promover melhorias na interação escolar e social da criança.

The syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette (ST) can cause marked distress in several areas of functioning. The literature indicates that children with TS may present diffi culties in relationships with teachers and peers. This case study exploration aimed to discover and describe the perceptions of parents and teachers of child with TS enrolled in regular school, regardingthe child-school relationships. Interviews were conducted with parents of a 8 years-old child, diagnosed with ST and three educators. Participant observation of everyday children’s school was also performed. The set of reports reveals doubts on the part of respondents to identify involuntary behaviors of the child orto identify intentional actions. It was observed that there is still no connection between parents and educators in meeting the needs of the child. It is assumed that intervention strategies in a multidisciplinary perspective could help parents, educators and health care professionals act in a coordinated way in order toimprove the school and social interaction of the child.

Humans , Male , Child , Education, Special , Mainstreaming, Education , Tourette Syndrome , Occupational Therapy
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 28(3): 78-98, ago. 2014. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998303


INTRODUCCIÓN: la cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento (CTC) se está convirtiendo en un tratamiento más común desde el desarrollo de la neuromodulación. Podemos dividir su historia en 3 etapas: la primera comienza en los inicios de la psicocirugía y termina con el desarrollo de las técnicas estereotácticas, cuando comienza la segunda etapa. Ésta se caracteriza por la realización de lesiones estereotácticas. Nos encontramos transitando la tercera etapa, que comienza cuando la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) empieza a ser usada en CTC. OBJETIVO: el propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión no sistemática de la historia, indicaciones actuales, técnicas y blancos quirúrgicos de la CTC. RESULTADOS: a pesar de los errores graves cometidos en el pasado, hoy en día, la CTC está renaciendo. Los trastornos psiquiátricos que más frecuentemente se tratan con cirugía y los blancos estereotácticos preferidos para cada uno de ellos son: cápsula interna/estriado ventral para trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, cíngulo subgenual para depresión y complejo centromediano/parafascicular del tálamo para síndrome de Tourette. CONCLUSIÓN: los resultados de la ECP en estos trastornos parecen alentadores. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios randomizados para establecer la efectividad de la CTC. Debe tenerse en cuenta que una apropiada selección de pacientes nos ayudará a realizar un procedimiento más seguro así como también a lograr mejores resultados quirúrgicos, conduciendo a la CTC a ser más aceptada por psiquiatras, pacientes y sus familias. Se necesita mayor investigación en vários temas como: fisiopatología de los trastornos del comportamiento, indicaciones de CTC y nuevos blancos quirúrgicos

BACKGROUND: Surgery for behavioral disorders (SBD) is becoming a more commonly-used treatment since the development of neuromodulation techniques. We can divide the history of SBD into 3 stages: the first stage spanned from the dawn of psychosurgery to the initial development of stereotactic techniques. The second stage was characterized by the recognition of stereotactic lesions. We are currently traveling through the third stage, which began when deep brain stimulation (DBS) started to be used for SBD.OBJECTIVE: This article reviews the history, current indications, techniques and surgical targets of SBD. RESULTS: Despite serious errors committed in the past, SBD is now re-emerging as an accepted therapeutic approach. The psychiatric disorders that are most frequently treated by surgery and the preferred stereotactic targets for treating them are: the internal capsule/ventral striatum for obsessive-compulsive disorder; the subgenual cingulate for treatment-resistant depression; and the centromedianum/parafascicularis complex of the thalamus for Tourette syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Early results for DBS in these disorders are encouraging. However, more randomized trials are needed to establish the effectiveness of SBD. It must be taken into account that ensuring proper patient selection will enhance both procedural safety and effectiveness, leading to SBD being more accepted by psychiatrists, patients and their families. Further research is needed in several areas, like the physiopathology of behavioral disorders, indications for SBD, and new surgical targets

Humans , Psychosurgery , General Surgery , Tourette Syndrome , Depression , Mental Disorders
Psiquiatr. salud ment ; 30(2): 86-91, 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-835221


El síndrome de Tourette (ST) es una patología del espectro neuropsiquiátrico que se caracteriza por la presencia de múltiples tics tanto motores como vocales. Su peak ocurre entre los 8 -12 años de edad y tienden a disminuir en la vida adulta. Un 20 por ciento de los pacientes no presentará mejoría de su sintomatología al llegar a la adultez. La constelación de síntomas que se presentan durante el transcurso de la enfermedad, resulta frustrante y poco predecible para los pacientes y sus padres, quienes ya poco entienden de esta patología. Uno de los desafíos que representa el ST para los tratantes es abarcar al paciente en todas sus dimensiones y lograr un tratamiento integral y multidisciplinario. La terapia o intervención conductual (TC) logra centrarse en este aspecto y obtener una mirada global del problema. Dentro de los subgrupos de TC, el “Habit Reversal” plantea que el ST se modula constantemente por el ambiente, lo que clínicamente se traduce en un aumento o disminución de la urgencia por realizar los tics, por lo tanto al manejar el entorno y la urgencia mediante una respuesta competitiva, los tics deberían disminuir. Mediante diferentes estudios se ha demostrado la efectividad de la terapia y su duración en el tiempo, por lo que se la ha validado como una nueva alternativa terapéutica, que puede realizarse o no en conjunto con la terapia farmacológica.

Tourette's syndrome (ST) is a pathology of the neuropsychiatric spectrum characterized by the presence of multiple motor and vocal tics. Its peak occurs between 8 to 12 years old and tend to decrease in adult life. About 20 percent of patients presented no improvement in their symptoms in adulthood. The constellation of symptoms that occur during the course of the disease is unpredictable and frustrating for patients and their parents, who already have little understanding of this pathology. One of the challenges of the ST for caregivers is to embrace the patient in all its dimensions and achieve their treatment in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary way. Therapy or behavioral intervention (TC) does focus on this aspect and get an overall view of the problem. Within subgroups of TC, the "Habit Reversal" suggests that the ST is constantly modulated by the environment, which translates clinically in an increase or decrease in the urge to perform tics. Therefore managing the environment and urgency by a competitive response, tics should decrease. Various studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the therapy and its duration in time, so that it has been validated as a new therapeutic alternative, which can be done or not in conjunction with drug therapy.

Humans , Behavior Therapy , Tourette Syndrome/therapy , Tourette Syndrome/diagnosis
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 70(7): 547-549, July 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-642982


In this paper we make a brief historical review of the hypothesis concerning the etiology of Tourette's syndrome (TS), focusing on varying trends over time: at first, its presumed relation to witchcraft and demonic possessions, followed by the psychoanalytical theory, which attributed TS to a masturbatory equivalent. Then, progressing to modern time, to the immunological theory and finally the advent of genetics and their role in the etiology of TS.

Os autores fazem uma breve revisão histórica enfatizando alguns importantes fatores relacionados com a síndrome de Tourette (ST) através dos tempos. Primeiramente, a relação da síndrome com possessões demoníacas, bruxaria; depois, a hipótese psicanalítica, que considerava os tiques como um equivalente masturbatório. Na sequência, discute-se a hipótese imunológica; depois, revisa-se a hipótese imunológica; finalmente, o papel dos genes na etiologia da ST.

History, 15th Century , History, 20th Century , Humans , Religion and Medicine , Tourette Syndrome , Paintings , Psychoanalysis , Tourette Syndrome/genetics , Tourette Syndrome/history , Tourette Syndrome/psychology , Witchcraft
Arq. int. otorrinolaringol. (Impr.) ; 15(4): 492-500, out.-dez. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-606480


INTRODUÇÃO: A Síndrome de La Tourette (ST) foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1825 e se trata de uma patologia neuropsiquátrica de início geralmente na infância, que acomete mais o sexo masculino, caracterizada por notável comprometimento psicológico e social, causando impacto na vida dos portadores e familiares. Até pouco tempo, essa patologia era considerada uma condição rara, porém, estudos atuais demonstram que a taxa de prevalência pode variar de 1 por cento a 2,9 por cento em alguns grupos. OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre os principais aspectos relacionados à Síndrome de La Tourette. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A ST é um distúrbio genético, associado a alterações neurofisiológicas e neuroanatômicas, caracterizado por fenômenos compulsivos, cuja etiologia ainda é desconhecida. O quadro clínico é composto, principalmente, por tiques motores e vocais que se subdividem em simples e complexos. A sua associação com Transtorno Obsessivo Compulsivo e Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade é relativamente comum. O diagnóstico é eminentemente clínico e não existe, até o momento, nenhum teste laboratorial específico que confirme esta patologia. O tratamento é fundamentado, principalmente, na terapia psicológica. Porém, quando há necessidade do emprego de fármacos, os mais utilizados são os antagonistas dos receptores de dopamina. CONCLUSÃO: A ST causa diversos prejuízos psicossociais e educacionais para o indivíduo e familiares. Porém, o diagnóstico e tratamento precoces são capazes de minimizar ou anular estes danos. Desta forma, conhecer os aspectos gerais que norteiam a ST é de fundamental importância para preservar a qualidade de vida dos portadores da doença.

INTRODUCTION: Tourette Syndrome (TS) was described for the first time in 1825, and it is a neuropsychiatry disease, initially begins in childhood, affects more males, characterized by remarkable social and psychological commitment, impacting the lives of patients and family. Until recently, this disease were considered a rare condition, but current studies show that the prevalence rate may vary in 1 percent to 2,9 percent in a few groups. OBJECTIVE: Perform a review of literature over the main aspects related to Tourette syndrome. DATA SYNTHESIS: The TS is a genetic disorder, associated with neuroanatomical and neurophysiological alterations, characterized by compulsive phenomenon, whose etiology is still unknown. The clinical profile is composed, mostly, by motor tics and vocal tics, that which are divided in simple and complex. Its association with Obssessive Compulsive Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is very commom. The diagnosis is mainly clinical and do not exist. Until now, there is no specific laboratory test that confirm this pathology. The treatment is based mainly on psychological theory. However when there is need for the use of drugs, the most widely used are the antagonists of dopamine receptors. CONCLUSION: The TS causes many damages as psychosocial and educational for the individual and the family. However, the diagnosis and the early treatment are able to minimize or cancel this damages. This way, knowing the general aspects that guide the TS is of utmost importance to preserve the quality of life for the patients with the disease.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 59(2): 160-162, 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-557163


A Síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette (SGT), caracterizada pela presença de tiques motores e vocais, apresenta elevada associação com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) e transtorno de déficit de atenção com hiperatividade (TDAH). Essas condições frequentemente causam mais prejuízo aos pacientes do que os tiques, propriamente. Relata-se o caso clínico de um paciente com SGT e comorbidade com TDAH e TOC. O tratamento com inibidor seletivo de recaptura de serotonina (ISRS) e metilfenidato promoveu melhora significativa dos sintomas de TDAH, sintomas compulsivos e tiques.

Tourette Syndrome (TS), characterized by motor and vocal tics, is often associated with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These associated conditions frequently cause more impairment in patients than tics themselves. We report the case of TS with comorbid ADHD and OCD. Treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and methylphenidate, led to significantly improvement of ADHD symptoms, compulsive symptoms and tics.

Humans , Male , Child , Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Methylphenidate/therapeutic use , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder , Tourette Syndrome/diagnosis , Tourette Syndrome/drug therapy , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/drug therapy , Brazil , Comorbidity , Prevalence
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 66(4): 918-921, dez. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-500588


We review the history of Tourette syndrome, emphasizing the contribution of Jean-Martin Charcot.

Revisamos a história da síndrome de Tourette, com ênfase a contribuição de Jean-Martin Charcot.

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Tourette Syndrome/history , France